~ Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Abigail Adams ( February 22, 1787)
It is no great secret that I am a history buff, I actually heard a great explanation for why that may be so the other day. "History is just the recording of a bunch of ordinary people, trying to make choices - just like we do. Except now we know how they turn out." That may be true, but only up to a point. As time goes by we seem to be developing into a society that does not make choices, because choices come with consequences and those we absolutely do not want.
I just spent a long time working with someone who did not make decisions out of fear that he might be found wrong. So every choice waited until every risk was weighed, measured, anticipated and defeated. And if that did not happen, then neither did the decision. It did not make him safe, it made him ineffective. I do not want a professional or personal life like that.
Every year I advocate reading something by the Founding Fathers, even the obscure ones, and what you will find is that they were in fact a lot like us. They had fear and debt, they missed their wives and families, everything they did - every decision they made, put them at a level of risk like nothing you or I ever face today. Some were obnoxious, some eloquent and all worked toward a common purpose (even if they had a personal agenda as well). However there is a common theme that you will see as you thumb through Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Adams, etc ...
They all feared the power of their new government if the people did not stay educated to its purpose and involved in its execution. Not the politicians ... the people, you and I.
Today is a holiday that is all ours - take some of that free time you have today, and educate yourself. If the past bugs you, read the present. Educate yourself on what's happening in your town, your state, your economy. If you don't like it, don't bitch - resist. Yes, one person's voice is small - but it only takes one person's signature to sign a bill into law, or to veto one as well.
In an atmosphere where kids can't win or lose - just participate, where they can't pass or fail, where you can't say something is wrong or bad, where we want to medicate everyone to a midline and forget that life is a rollercoaster with peaks and valleys for a reason ... be the lightning that says the weather can and will change, whether you want it to or not.
Happy Independence Day my friends - stay stormy!
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