It's been over two years since I put anything here. It does not mean that I do not have the words, or the means ... it's just that there is so much in my head most of the time that a lot of it never makes it to my hands.
My supporters feel this is a bad thing, so even though nobody looks here - perhaps this will be a good tool for me to start getting more of the narration in my head onto the virtual page. Because I do have a narration in my head, I write third person descriptions for the myriad of vignettes I see every day. All the little details that make up my life end up in paragraphs that I review and edit in my head, usually while I'm doing one of my commutes.
And there they stay. Maybe that's good but when visited by the shadow of mortality, everyone wants an echo.
Even if it only lasts a little while.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago