April 2004
Tsem: Hmm, my mythological form is the Goddess....
Auriane: heh
Auriane: I don't think I did that one, gonna look
Auriane: I am a Unicorn: The Innocent
Auriane: (preen)
Tsem: Beats the hell out of the Goddess.
Tsem: Although I will say, innocent my goddess-like ass.
Tsem: http://lucid.lunacy.nu/quiz/pirates.html
Auriane: Har
Auriane: Captain Jack (preen)
Auriane: Don't tell me, you're the girl again...
Tsem: LOL No, this time I was Jack as well.
Tsem: And, that was goddess, thank you, not just girl.
Auriane: Ah of course. Please accept my abject apologies Lady of the Lake.
Tsem: Mmm hmm, right now the godess's minions are winging there way towards Pensyltucky.
Preface -- excerpt from a website:
Sign Up for Ladies Tea
Please join us Sunday afternoon for an oasis of calm from the hubbub of the convention. Afternoon tea is open to ladies of all persuasions, and while appropriate attire (scene dress, Victoriana, or just plain skirt, hat and gloves) is smiled upon, it is not necessary. Tea will be served by Sissy Maids (or service slaves) dressed in their finest, who have attended the prior training in how to serve at a tea. While tea is thought of as a stuffy, tradition laden event in America, a Sissy Maid tea is often a delightful departure from 'pinkies sticking out'.
These things must of course, be shared -- eliciting said conversation snippet:
Tsem: I'm just upset they didn't list the different types of tea that would be available.
Auriane: Would you actually wear the hat with the dress though? It's so hard to find a fashionable lid these days.
Tsem: Honestly, it would depend on the gloves, I find the long ones preferable to a hat in Spring. Down with Easter bonnets!
Auriane: True, though satin makes gripping those tiny cups kind of difficult.
Tsem: They wouldn't provide crazy straws?
Auriane: You know, some of our conversations are the equivalent to a clip from a Quentin Tarantino movie.
Auriane: XXXXX is looking for youuuuuuuuu.
Tsem: I didn't tell you? I said if they do real well following your orders, you'd take them into your personal guard as a commander.
Auriane: You are SO not getting fired.
Tsem: I said you were a lesbian as well, that liked XXXXX.
Tsem: And when you slept, you muttered things like, "oh XXX, command me, command me!"
Auriane: Just for that, I'm going to LJ that too.
June, 2004
You are pure evil. You lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and you will not rest until all living souls bend to your will.
Auriane: Very nice.
Auriane: I got 87%, but still, very nice.
Tsem: I don't own a cat.
Auriane: LOL
Auriane: Damn, that must've done it.
Tsem: And, I'm really not sure if my friends are ninjas.
Tsem: I suspect many of them, but...
Auriane: If they told you, that would be a bit of an oxymoron no?
Tsem: Exactly.
Tsem: I would have to call them all Jumbo Shrimp. Which, while a decent bad guy henchman nickname, is nowhere near as cool as Odd Job or Jaws.
Auriane: Doesn't matter really, you can call henchmen whatever you want.
Auriane: Though personally I prefer minions. It's more PC.
Tsem: Now how can you be an evil genuis and even consider the term PC?
Auriane: Because the only thing more evil than an evil genius is a lawyer.
Auriane: And all the best evil geniuses know when they're outmatched. (g)
Tsem: LOL
Sept 2004
Rottcloar: I think you're going to like this. :-)
Auriane: Why, do people die in it? (g)
Rottcloar: Heh, crap, you know me too well. No deaths yet, but some screaming Gnomes.
Auriane: Are they on fire?
Rottcloar: No, I'll get to that.